Available datasets
Harmonised core dataset
By default, the MiRDH provides a core dataset constructed in accordance with a predefined methodology. The core dataset is available for the period 1996 to current -2 for non-financial corporations. It can be supplemented with data from the other datasets mentioned below. Research projects that derogate from the methodological choices applicable to the core dataset may also be considered.
Variables in the harmonised core dataset:
- financial statement data: total assets, fixed tangible assets, investment, turnover, intermediate inputs, number of employees and labour costs;
- firm characteristics: official start and stop dates of activity, two-digit NACE REV.2 codes, corporate form, legal situation, number of establishments and annual accounts format;
- international trade flows: firm-level exports and imports, based on the national and Community concepts;
- foreign direct investment: (multinational) dummy variable for inward and outward foreign direct investment;
- deflators: for value added, gross fixed capital formation and intermediate inputs at A64 level.
Frequency: Annually
Period: 1996-y-2
Unit: Euro
Firm characteristics
- Source: Crossroads Enterprise Database (CBE)
- Metadata: Crossroads Enterprise Database
- The main variables include: official start and stop dates of activity, legal status (a.o. informs about the reason for stopping activity), NACE Rev.2 codes, location (postal and region code), (corporate_form), legal situation, information on establishments (number of establishments, identification numbers and characteristics).
Example of data request
Name of Dataset | Variable | Item Code | Comments | Frequency | Period | Aggregation |
CBE | annual account form type | schema | N/A | N/A | 2010-21 | N/A |
CBE | 2-digit NACE Rev2.0 industry class | nace_2d | N/A | N/A | 2010-21 | 2-digit |
CBE | offical start year | start_year | N/A | N/A | 2010-21 | N/A |
CBE | official stop year | stop_year | N/A | N/A | 2010-21 | N/A |
CBE | legal form | legal form | N/A | N/A | 2010-21 | N/A |
CBE | legal status | legalstatus | N/A | N/A | 2010-21 | N/A |
CBE | Zip code | zip | N/A | N/A | 2010-21 | N/A |
CBE | Region | region | N/A | N/A | 2010-21 | N/A |
CBE | Number of establishments | nbplants | N/A | N/A | 2010-21 | N/A |
CBE | establishments identifiers | id_child | N/A | N/A | 2010-21 | N/A |
Data from financial statements: balance sheet, income (P&L) statement, social balance sheet and financial ratios
- Source: Central Balance Sheet Office (CBSO)
- Metadata:
- The format of annual accounts differs for large firms, SMEs and micro firms, with large firms obligated to report more detailed information than SMEs and micro firms (see the size criteria).
- Formats have changed over time. The MirDH provides data on formats in use from 1996 to the present:
- Full format (NL/FR)
- Other (past and current) formats (NL/FR)
- More information on financial ratios can be found in this document (NL/FR).
- Frequency: Annually
- Period: Since 1996
- Unit: Euro
Example of data request
Name of Dataset | Variable | Item Code | Comments | Frequency | Period | Aggregation |
CBSO | Total assets | 20/58 | N/A | Annually | 2010-21 | N/A |
VAT returns: firm-level information
- Source: Value added tax returns (VAT)
- Metadata : VAT return (NL or FR)
- Main variables: sales, purchases of raw materials (_81), purchases of services and other goods (_82), purchases of investment goods (_83).
- Frequency: Quarterly for all firms, monthly for large firms
- Period: Since 1995
- Units: Euro
Example of data request
Name of Dataset | Variable | Item Code | Comments | Frequency | Period | Aggregation |
VAT | Sales | Sales | N/A | Annually | 2010-21 | N/A |
VAT | Purchases of inv. goods | _83 | N/A | Annually | 2010-21 | N/A |
International trade data: firm/product/country-level information on exports and imports
- Source: Extrastat customs data and Intrastat Survey data (INT TRADE)
- Variables:
- Classification:
- ISO country codes
- Product codes: CN8 classification (the first six digits correspond to the HS6 classification). The CN8 classification changes over time. The MiRDH can provide harmonised product codes upon request.[1] Note that harmonisation is more precise the shorten the sample. Alternative harmonisation procedures exist and can be implemented by the academic teams themselves.
- Reporting thresholds:
- Customs data (for extra-EU trade) are collected for all transactions with a value above €1,000 or a weight in excess of 1,000 kg.
- A time-varying reporting threshold is applicable to intra-EU trade flows (Intrastat Manual). Firms must report export transactions if these exceed the export threshold on an annual basis. Similarly, they must report import transactions if these exceed the import threshold on an annual basis.
Intrastat reporting thresholds (in euro)
Period | Export threshold | Import threshold |
1995-1997 | 104,115 | 104,115 |
1998-2005 | 250,000 | 250,000 |
2006-2010 | 1,000,000 | 400,000 |
2010-2015 | 1,000,000 | 700,000 |
2016 -current | 1,000,000 | 1,500,000 |
- Frequency: Monthly
- Period: Since 1995
- Units: Euro
For this dataset, the data requirements should be described as follows
Name of Dataset | Variable | Item Code | Comments | Frequency | Period | Aggregation |
INT TRADE | Exports volume | export_vol_nat | National concept | Annually | 2005-21 | Firm-level |
INT TRADE | Imports value | Import_val_nat | National concept | Quarterly | 2005.1-21.4 | Firm-CN6 |
INT TRADE | Exports value | export_val_EU | EU concept | Monthly | 2005.1-21.12 | Firm-ISO |
INT TRADE | Exports value | export_val_nat | National concept | Annually | 2005-21 | Firm-CN8-ISO |
Foreign direct investment survey: firm/country-level information on FDI
- Source: balance of payments data, survey on foreign direct investment (FDI)
- Main variables: FDI stocks, direct and indirect participation rates in inward and outward FDI by firm and country[2]
- ISO country codes
- It should be noted that reporting thresholds apply to the FDI survey: From 1997 to 2000, the survey included mainly firms that reported FDI transactions in their balance of payments data. Since 2001, the survey has covered firms with fixed financial assets valued at more than €5M or equity in excess of €10M or total assets above €25M.
- Frequency: Annually
- Period: Since 1997
- Units: Euro
Example of data request
Name of Dataset | Variable | Item Code | Comments | Frequency | Period | Aggregation |
FDI | Outward FDI dummy | D_out | =1 if direct + indirect participation rate >10% | Annually | 2010-21 | N/A |
FDI | Inward FDI dummy | D_in | =1 if direct + indirect participation rate >10% | Annually | 2010-21 | N/A |
Other variables will be defined according to the researchers needs
Complementary datasets provided by academic teams
As a general rule, external microeconomic data can be made available upon request, further to an agreement between the academic team and the external data owner. The National Bank of Belgium will pseudonymise datasets provided by external data owners and merge them with the MiRDH datasets before making them accessible to the academic team.
Requests to use or access external datasets should be indicated on the application form.
The external data owner’s consent is required to use the data provided.
The MiRDH can provide support in gaining access to complementary external data available at Statbel.
Statistics on the production of manufactured goods
- Source: Industrial production statistics (PRODCOM survey)
- Variables: Firm/product-level values and volumes sold
- Metadata: PRODCOM
- Classification for manufactured goods
- Frequency: Monthly
- Period: Since 1995
- Units: Euro
Example of data request
Name of Dataset | Variable | Item Code | Comments | Frequency | Period | Aggregation |
PRODCOM | Value of sales | values | Annually | 2010-21 | Firm/8-digit product | |
PRODCOM | Volume of sales | quantities | Quarterly | 2010-21 | Firm/8-digit product |
Enterprise structure data
- Source: Survey on the Structure of Enterprises (ESE)
- Metadata: ESE
- Frequency: Annually
- Period: Since 2008
- Units: Euro
Example of data request
Name of Dataset | Variable | Item Code | Comments | Frequency | Period | Aggregation |
ESE | Services turnover | TURNSERV | Annually | 2010-21 | N/A |
Employment and wage cost statistics from the Social Security Administration, at firm level
- Variables aggregated at firm level
- Source: Social security data, SOCSEC
- Frequency: Quarterly
- Period: Since 1995
- Units: Euro
Example of data request
Name of Dataset | Variable | Item Code | Comments | Frequency | Period | Aggregation |
SOCSEC | Employment | L | Annually | 2010-21 | N/A | |
SOCSEC | Labour cost | WL | Annually | 2010-21 | N/A |
Other confidential datasets
Applications requiring the use of additional or other datasets from the National Bank of Belgium which are not currently available in the MiRDH will also be considered, although not in the pilot phase.
The selection committee will take a decision based on the NBB’s interest and resource availability when co-authorship with NBB staff is required.
[1] The harmonisation of product codes over time is based on the assumption that when a product is split into several categories, the new import (or export) structure is applied to the past. If the firm no longer imports (or exports) the product, the average import (or export) structure over the sample of firms is applied.
[2] Additional data, such as foreign affiliates trade statistics (FATS), are not currently included in the MiRDH. FATS concern only foreign firms at least 50% of whose equity capital is held by a Belgian firm.