Models for associations and foundations
Small and large associations and foundations must file their annual accounts with the National Bank. Most are required to file annual accounts prepared in accordance with a standard model. Others may or must file a specific model provided for by law. This is the case, for example, for schools, hospitals and institutions for occupational retirement provision (IORP).
Standard models for associations and foundations
In principle, an association or foundation that is required to file annual accounts should draw them up in accordance with one of the standard models set out below.
The Code of Companies and Associations introduced new models for annual accounts. The main changes to the models for associations and foundations are:
- the introduction of a micro model,
- the alignment of the models for associations and foundations with those for companies.
Models for associations and foundations, published in the Moniteur belge/Belgisch Staatsblad on 4 September 2020, page 65037, in accordance with the Code of Companies and Associations:
- Full modelpdf (available in Dutch and French)
- Abridged modelpdf (available in Dutch and French)
- Micro modelpdf (available in Dutch and French)
The cover sheet of the standard models for associations and foundations has been slightly modified, mainly to facilitate reading via OCR (optical character recognition).
Size criteria determine the size of the association or foundation and the standard model to be used.
In accordance with the opinion of the Accounting Standards Commission CBN/CNC 2020/01, the new models should be used to file annual accounts
- for financial years ending after 31.12.2019;
- for associations and foundations established after 30.04.2019;
- for associations and foundations that opted in during 2019 and whose new articles of association were published before the closing date of their financial year.
NOTE Associations and foundations are not eligible for the split filing of annual accounts and other documents.
Specific model for associations and foundations
Due to the special nature of their activities, some associations and foundations are subject to specific legislation and have a format of annual accounts that differs from the standard models. If the board of directors deems that the applicable accounting requirements are equivalent to those set out in the Royal Decree of 29 April 2019, the association or foundation may file a specific model of accounts rather than a standard one.
In any case, institutions for occupational retirement provision (IORP) must use a specific model of accounts.
To clearly distinguish between annual accounts prepared in accordance with a specific model and those drawn up in accordance with a standard model, the association, foundation or IORP should use a specific cover sheet.
The association, foundation or IORP is required to state on the cover sheet the statutory or regulatory basis justifying the use of a non-standard model.