Terms of use

By using Consult, you accept these terms of use.

Via the CONSULT application, you can find the references of annual accounts and consolidated annual accounts filed with the National Bank of Belgium (NBB) since 1992. Under “Consult annual accounts online”, you can access annual accounts and consolidated annual accounts published since 1999.

The identification details of legal entities, such as name, address, corporate form and legal status, are taken from the Crossroads Bank for Enterprises (CBE), managed by the FPS Economy. The National Bank of Belgium cannot guarantee the accuracy of the data provided. The NBB recommends checking these data, in particular the legal status, against other sources before relying on them.

Please note that it is possible to directly consult data in the CBE via the “Public Search” function on its website. If the data recorded in the CBE are incorrect, it is in principle up to the legal entity concerned to inform the CBE of this fact, provided all statutory obligations regarding the publication of identification details have been fulfilled. This procedure is explained on the CBE’s website.

Unchanged data

Legal entities are responsible for the information contained in the documents they file with the National Bank of Belgium. These data are made available by the National Bank as is, meaning without modification. However, the National Bank makes certain mentions in the reserved field at the top of the cover page of each document, and annual accounts filed as structured data files are made available by the National Bank in PDF.

When annual accounts are filed electronically in the form of a structured data file, the sections of the model that are not relevant are not included in the copy made available by the National Bank of Belgium. Moreover, amounts expressed in euros up to two decimal places in accordance with the applicable rules are rounded to the nearest whole number.

If a legal entity becomes aware that a document it has filed is inaccurate, it can make a Corrected filing, which will then be made available as such by the National Bank. A corrected filing does not replace the original one.

A register of all company documents published since 1983 in the Annexes to the Moniteur belge/Belgisch Staatsblad can be consulted on the website of the FPS Justice. Recent company documents can also be viewed online. 

Continuous availability

In principle, Consult is continuously available, except during periods of site maintenance.

In order to provide all users of the application with optimum access, the National Bank of Belgium has built an IT infrastructure that covers current information needs. However, the application is not intended for the systematic - or mass - consultation or downloading of files. The National Bank of Belgium reserves the right to block access to the web application without prior notice to any user who compromises its proper functioning.