Section of the Bank’s website devoted to anti-money laundering and counter-terrorist financing (AML/CFT): update
Through its Communication NBB_2018_04 of 8 February 2018, the National Bank of Belgium (NBB) informed financial institutions of the creation on its website of a section devoted to anti-money laundering and counter-terrorist financing (the so-called “AML/CFT site”). This AML/CFT site aims to bring together all statutory and regulatory texts on this subject and complement them with comments and recommendations made by the NBB in this area.
The NBB would hereby like to inform you that the AML/CFT site has been updated. In particular, slight changes have been made to the NBB’s comments and recommendations to take into account the EBA’s Guidelines of 14 June 2022 on the AMLCO function (see the pages “Governance”, “Belgian parent companies”, “Performance of obligations by third parties” and “Training and education of staff”). In this context, we also wish to draw your attention to the fact that the description of the information to be provided in point 4 of the AMLCO activity report template has been slightly modified to take into account the specific duties and responsibilities of AMLCOs at group level.
For more information, please visit the AML/CFT site, where you can find an overview of the changes made to the successive versions of the site.