Version 1.2 Filing

On 20 October 2022 at 6 PM a new major version of the FILING application will be installed. Consequently, the SOFISTA Application is definitively stopped on 02/11/2022. 

Shutdown of Sofista

The SOFISTA application has been temporarily reopened since 11 May 2022 at the request of ITAA, accounting firms and entrepreneurs to compensate for the temporary lack of the calculation of subtotals in the FILING application.
With the addition of the functions for calculating subtotals and the rubrics corrector in FILING on 20 October evening, the SOFISTA application is definitively stopped on 2 November 2022. 

Filing news

The main new functionalities in FILING are the calculation of subtotals and the tool for correcting incorrect equations. 

  • Calculation of subtotals

The option to calculate the subtotals can be activated / deactivated when creating a new annual account or from the editor.
When creating of a deposit form, this new function is disabled by default. 

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In the full editor and the quick editor, the function for calculation of subtotals can be enabled or disabled. When the automatic subtotals calculation is activated :

  • the subtotals are indicated in grey,
  • the subtotals are automaticaly reculculated by adding / modification of the value of a rubric. 
  • the subtotals are not editable. 
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  • Rubrics corrector: Correction tool for incorrect equations 

This tool is accessible in the validation report if errors or warnings in the arithmetic and logical validations are found.
In the validation report, click on ‘Correcting incorrect equations’ to open the rubrics corrector. 

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