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Displaying 11 - 20 of 27 results.

Economic importance of the Belgian ports: report 2005. Flemish maritime ports and Liège port complex

Working Paper N° 115

Economic importance of Belgian transport logistics

Working Paper N° 125

Economic importance of the Belgian ports: Flemish maritime ports, Liège port complex and the port of Brussels – Report 2006

Working Paper N° 134

Economic importance of air transport and airport activities in Belgium

Working Paper N° 158

Economic importance of the Belgian ports: Flemish maritime ports, Liège port complex and the port of Brussels – Report 2007

Working Paper N° 172

Economic importance of the Belgian ports: Flemish maritime ports, Liège port complex and the port of Brussels - Report 2009

Working Paper N° 215

Economic importance of air transport and airport activities in Belgium - Report 2009

Working Paper N° 218

Flemish maritime ports, Liège port complex and the port of Brussels – Report 2011

Working Paper N° 242

The Belgian ports: Flemish maritime ports, Liège port complex and the port of Brussels – Report 2012

Working Paper N° 260

Economic importance of air transport and airport activities in Belgium – Report 2012

Working Paper N° 273