30 Voices on 2030: The Future of Financial Services


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This year marks the 30th anniversary of the Belgian Financial Forum. To celebrate, the Belgian Financial Forum and KPMG invite you to the exclusive launch of the 
“30 Voices on 2030: The Future of Financial Services” report on Wednesday 30 November.

This festive and insightful evening will provide you with an opportunity to meet and hear from some of the leading voices - insiders, outsiders, and challengers – about their perspectives on and predictions for the future of the financial services industry.

About the "30 Voices on 2030 - The future of Financial Services"

Over the past few months, KPMG interviewed 30 leaders from across financial services and beyond - exploring a world post-open banking, where crypto is commonplace, where customer behavior has shifted, where AI, platformization, new challengers, Fintech, InsurTech, RegTech and every tech in-between has changed the financial services ecosystem and business models. 

Celebrating the 30th Anniversary of the Belgian Financial Forum

The Belgian Financial Forum was founded in 1992, as a joint initiative of the financial and academic sectors, with the explicit support of the National Bank of Belgium (NBB) and the (former) Belgian Banking Association (BBA). Since then, the Forum has offered an important arena for discussions that help financial stakeholders understand and shape the development of the financial services industry in Belgium, ensuring that it keeps pace with the ever-evolving global economy. Today the Belgian financial forum is a unique cooperation between 4 institutions: the NBB, the regulator FSMA and the banking and insurance associations Febelfin and Assuralia.


6.00 pm - 6.30 pm:

Doors open 

6.30 pm - 6.40 pm:

Introduction by Jean Hilgers, President Belgian Financial Forum, Director National Bank of Belgium

6.40 pm - 7.00 pm:

Keynote by Olivier Macq, Head of Financial Services KPMG. Olivier Macq will highlight some of the key challenges and main expected evolutions in the financial sector towards 2030

7.00 pm - 8.00 pm:

Panel discussion:

  • Insurance: Amélie Breitburd, CEO Lloyd's Europe
  • Big Tech: Ine Cops, FS lead Google
  • International Voice: Sofia Lanfranconi, Senior Marketing Manager Global Clients & Markets KPMG Global
  • Banking: Erik Luts, Chief Innovation Officer KBC
  • Fintech: Julie Vens, CEO & Partner Nexxworks
  • Moderator: Valerie Bauwens, journalist
8.00 pm - 8.05 pm:

Belgian Financial Forum award to the best master's thesis

08.05 pm - 08.10 pm:

Wrap up by Jean Hilgers, President Belgian Financial Forum, Director National Bank of Belgium

08.10 pm - 08.20 pm:

Closing by Vincent Van Peteghem, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance, Belgian Government

08.20 pm - 10 pm:

Walking dinner

Datum und Uhrzeit: 
Mittwoch 30 November 2022, 18:00 - 22:00