How to request access with an electronic certificate?

Please consult the guide on how to request access to OneGate with an electronic certificate.

How to connect with an electronic certificate?

OneGate recognizes Electronic Certificates from Globalsign, Isabel and Quo Vadis. These are the same certificates that are accepted by E-Government-applications such as Finprof, Dimona, DMFA and DRS.

These certificates can be purchased from the following providers:


Currently accepted certificates:

✓ GlobalSign GCC R45 PersonalSign 3 CA 2020

✓ GlobalSign GCC R45 PersonalSign 3 CA 2022


Currently accepted certificates:

✓ Isabel Certification Authority

✓ Isabel Certification Authority Root

Quo Vadis

Currently accepted certificates:

✓ QuoVadis Belgium Issuing CA G2

✓ QuoVadis EU Issuing Certification Authority G4

LuxTrust SmartCard 

Currently accepted certificates:

✓ LuxTrust SmartCard Global Qualified CA

These providers issue Electronic Certificates after payment and after authentication by the applicant. It is therefore necessary to retrieve these certificates in person with an ID-card.

When logging in to OneGate, choose the option "identification with an Electronic Certificate" and choose a copy of the certificate.

During the first login, the declarer will be asked an additional identification. The declarer will thus have to enter an identification-code (KBO-number). During the next hours, access will be granted to the user. This is confirmed via email.

If the certificate was already registered and valid, the user will get immediate access.

If you use the same certificate for another Bank application (BECRIS, Supervision, CAP2), you can use the same information (NUIN starting with 0002/3/5/7-) to connect to OneGate.