NBB Blog

Les femmes au cœur du prix Nobel d’économie !
Gender gap

What are “greedy jobs” and why do women avoid them?

13 October 2023
The Nobel Prize in Economics, a historically male-dominated affair, was this year awarded to the American economist…
Monetary policy

Belgian households flock to new State note, leading to record fall in bank deposits

03 October 2023
The August banking statistics show a decline in the level of household bank deposits not seen for twenty years. This…
Risque partagé est à moitié plus léger : comment la BNB partage-t-elle les risques avec l’Eurosystème ?
Monetary policy

A problem shared is a problem halved: how the NBB shares risk within the Eurosystem

22 September 2023
The NBB’s balance sheet has grown enormously over the past 15 years. The latest annual report notes a tripling in size…
Oui, Sire, les Belges sont riches, mais ils ne sont pas les plus riches au monde

Yes, Belgians are rich, but they are not the richest in the world!

15 September 2023
A few weeks ago, Credit Suisse and UBS released their Global Wealth Report 2023. The findings, indicating that Belgians…
image blog climate

Climate Dashboard update: measuring is knowing

13 July 2023
According to the latest update to the NBB’s Climate Dashboard, it appears unlikely that the world will be able to…
man slaapt op geldkraan
Monetary policy

Higher interest rates on reserves held at the central bank: a boon for banks?

11 July 2023
Since July 2022, the European Central Bank (ECB) has raised its policy rates sharply to curb inflation. As a result,…

Are price hikes in Belgium being driven by greed?

26 June 2023
“Greedflation” is a portmanteau of the words “greed” and “inflation”, used to describe the practice of firms…
Banking supervision

Lessons from Silicon Valley Bank and Credit Suisse: What would happen if a Belgian bank were to fail?

15 June 2023
The difficulties faced by certain foreign banks earlier this year required the Swiss and US authorities to intervene.…

The macroeconomic aspects of climate neutrality – a European perspective

06 June 2023
The European Union (EU) aims to be climate-neutral by 2050. Even relying solely on existing technologies, especially…

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