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Alexandre Lamfalussy and the origins of instability in capitalist economies

Working Paper N° 436


From the 1931 sterling devaluation to the breakdown of Bretton Woods: Robert Triffin’s analysis of international monetary crises

Working Paper N° 431


A Dane in the making of European Monetary Union - A conversation with Niels Thygesen

Working Paper N° 382


On the origins of the BIS macro-prudential approach to financial stability: Alexandre Lamfalussy and financial fragility

Working Paper N° 176


A century of macroeconomic and monetary thought at the National Bank of Belgium

Working Paper N° 188


La Belgique et l’Europe dans la tourmente monétaire des années 1970 - Entretiens avec Jacques van Ypersele

Working Paper N° 314


Robert Triffin, Japan and the quest for Asian Monetary Union

Working Paper N° 405


Paul van Zeeland and the first decade of the US Federal Reserve System: The analysis from a European central banker who was a student of Kemmerer

Working Paper N° 339


The European Payments Union and the origins of Triffin's regional approach towards international monetary integration

Working Paper N° 301


The BIS and the Latin American debt crisis of the 1980s

Working Paper N° 247
