Benchmark revision of the national accounts

In line with Eurostat’s recommendations, Belgium, like the majority of European countries, will be carrying out a benchmark revision of its national accounts in 2024. This revision will cover the period 2009-2023. Such a revision is carried out every five years as part of the normal procedures for improving statistics.

Benchmark revisions are more important than routine revisions. They provide an opportunity to incorporate new data sources, methods and concepts into the estimates used to compile the national accounts. The aim is to improve the quality and consistency of the statistics produced and to guarantee their international comparability. The purpose is also to enhance the relevance of statistics in a constantly changing economic environment, by taking into account new developments or behaviours by economic agents.


The main national accounts aggregate - gross domestic product (GDP) - will be affected by the benchmark revision, as will gross national income (GNI) and the main economic indicators.

The new national accounts will be published on 18 October 2024, along with documentation detailing the key points of the revision and their impact on the aggregates.

The corresponding regional accounts, i.e. including the impact of the benchmark revision, will be released by the end of 2025 at the latest.

For more information, please visit Eurostat’s website:
Data revisions - Eurostat (