Reporting and notification portal
Welcome to the NBB portal site. This portal site provides access to the various forms and communication platforms for the exchange of information between the Bank and the institutions under its control.
Banking sector
Authorisation as credit institution under Belgian law
- see “Practical guidelines”
- see IMAS-portal
- Pursuit in Belgium of banking activities as a branch or under the freedom to provide services see IMAS-portal
- Opening in Belgium of a representative office see circular NBB_2023_11
- Authorisation as stockbroking firm under Belgian law
- see licensing memorandum
see IMAS-portal
Particular operations subject to authorisation
- Provision of services on a cross-border basis see IMAS-portal (for information: list of applicable texts)
Periodic reporting
- Financial Reporting
- Qualitative reportings see NBB Supervision Portal
Insurance and reinsurance sector
Particular operations subject to authorisation
- Fit & Proper for managers and key control functions holders
- External functions
- Outsourcing of critical or important functions, activities or operational tasks
- Amendments to the articles of association
- Storage of insurance or reinsurance documents in a place other than the registered office
Periodic reporting
- General questions may be sent to [email protected]
Applications Helpdesk
- OneGate
Secure communication platform for the exchange of information (structured XBRL data) between the NBB and declarants. Contact and Helpdesk - NBB Supervision Portal
Secure communication platform for the exchange of information (qualitative documents) between the NBB and declarants. Contact and Helpdesk - eManex
Management and consultation of information relating to the external functions of the managers of regulated companies. Contact and Helpdesk - Technical issues and questions
Questions and problems related to application availability, browser compatibility issues, website availability, etc.:
+32 2 221 40 60