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Cooperation agreements in Belgium
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Cooperation agreements in Belgium
Cooperation agreements in Belgium
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19 May 2022
Protocole relatif à la collaboration entre la Banque nationale de Belgique et l'Autorité des services et marchés financiers
27 July 2021
Protocol between the FPS Finances, General Administration STI and the NBB, on cooperation and exchange of information with a view to preventing “specific mechanisms” and for the purposes of “fit & proper” supervision
03 February 2020
Protocol between the NBB and the FSMA for the exchange of personal data
17 September 2019
Protocol of 17 September 2019 defining the modalities of cooperation and information exchange between the NBB and CTIF-CFI
14 June 2019
Protocole définissant les modalités de la coopération et des échanges d'informations entre la Banque nationale de Belgique et le Collège de supervision des réviseurs d'entreprises
10 May 2017
Protocole relatif à la collaboration entre l'Office de contrôle des mutualités et des unions nationales de mutualités et la Banque Nationale de Belgique
27 April 2016
Protocole relatif à la collaboration entre le Fonds des accidents du travail et la Banque nationale de Belgique
13 May 2014
MoU between the NBB and the FSMA regarding the arbitration procedure foreseen in article 36bis, § 4 of the Law of 2 August 2002 on the supervision of the financial sector and on financial services
13 May 2014
Protocole d'accord entre la Banque nationale de Belgique et l'Autorité des services et marchés financiers concernant les entreprises d'investissement étrangères
14 March 2013
General Memorandum of Understanding for collaboration between the National Bank of Belgium and the Financial Services and Markets Authority to ensure the coordination of the supervision of the institutions under their respective supervision
04 February 2013
Addendum to the cooperation protocol between the National Bank of Belgium and the Financial Services and Markets Authority in the field of supervision and oversight of market infrastructures
18 October 2012
Cooperation protocol between the National Bank of Belgium and the Financial Services and Markets Authority in the field of supervision and oversight of market infrastructures