Are there any restrictions as to the term of validity of banknotes and coins?
As a rule, banknotes continue to be legal tender without any restriction in time. Since, in practice, 200 and 500-euro banknotes are sometimes refused, a memorandum (in French) containing a few practical rules has been drawn up.
As far as coins are concerned, the prevailing rule is that a trader is not obliged to accept more than 50 coins in any single payment. In principle, any payment made with 50 coins or less can therefore not be refused.
The price of the sale of movable property or services by a merchant or service provider for an amount of EUR 3 000 or more may be paid in cash up to a value of EUR 3 000. This rule applies both to single operations and to several operations which appear to be linked. In case of sale of immovable property, payment may not be made in cash.