Tim Hermans
Director - Secretary
Director of the National Bank of Belgium
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
Degree in Economic Sciences (June 1997)
- National Bank of Belgium
Royal Decree 02.04.2015 - Moniteur belge/Belgisch Staatsblad 17.04.2015
Mandate renewed for 6 years as from 07.04.2021
Royal Decree 28.03.2021 - Moniteur belge/Belgisch Staatsblad 19.04.2021 - Open Vld
Head of Cabinet to the Chairwoman (party leader) (12.2012 - 04.2015) - National Bank of Belgium
Adviser on prudential policy and financial stability (10.2011 - 12.2012) - National Bank of Belgium
Adviser to the General Statistics Department (07.2009 - 10.2011) - Cabinet of the Deputy Prime Minister of the Flemish Government
Adviser, Deputy Head of Cabinet and Head of Cabinet to the Deputy Prime Minister (10.2004 - 07.2009) - National Bank of Belgium
National accounts adviser (12.1997 - 09.2004)
Current mandates or functions
- High Council of Finance
Member of the section "Taxation and social security contributions": as from 09.10.2017
Member of the Study Committee on Public Investment as from 01.06.2023 - Conseil National de la Productivité
Vice-President: as from 06.05.2019 - Committee on Payments and Market Infrastructures (CPMI) – Bank for International Settlements
Member: as from 01.09.2021
Past mandates or functions
- Flanders Investment & Trade
Government Commissioner: December 2005 - July 2009 - Vlaamse Dienst voor Arbeidsbemiddeling en Beroepsopleiding (public employment service of Flanders)
Government Commissioner: November 2008 - October 2009 - Financial Sector Cyber Council