Produit Authentic Archive Data
The product’s aim is to obtain all data from daily ZIP files archived over the last 3 years. It is mainly used by new clients to initialise their database.
This product allows users to obtain the references and documents of filings accepted and published by the National Bank for the last three years on a given date
Users can request all published information for a period of three years in the form of datasets (ZIP files). Each day, the National Bank produces one reference dataset, one PDF image dataset, one XBRL document dataset, and one JSON document dataset.
The "Authentic Archive Data" product aggregates these daily datasets over a three-year period, with the daily addition after 30 days of all filings published the previous day (+30 days) and the removal of all filings older than three years.
The user specifies the date and type of dataset when requesting the web service. The date is that on which the data was made available and is the local Belgian date at the time of publication. This date must always be in the past. The current date or a future date is invalid.
Types of retrievable datasets
- References of filings
A list of all references of filings published on the entered date within the last 3 years.
The result is a ZIP file with the reference files. - The (PDF) images of the filings
ZIP file of all (PDF) images of filings published on the entered date within the last 3 years. - The XBRL files of the filings
ZIP file of all original XBRL files of filings published on the entered date within the last 3 years. - The JSON files of the filings
ZIP file of all JSON documents belonging to XBRL filings published on the entered date (as of 4 April 2022) within the last 3 years.
A separate file is created for each dataset. A new file is created for each day.
If there were no filings on a given day, no files will be created.
When the new web services are launched, no JSON files containing accounting data will be available for filings made before 1 April 2022. The archive of JSON files will be built as of 4 April 2022 and will ultimately contain the data for the last 3 years. The "Extracts Authentic Data" will be copied to "Authentic Archive Data" after 30 days.
XBRL files in their original structure, as well as PDF files, are available for the last three years.
Datasets created before the previous day are added (after 30 days) to the archives as of 05:00 (Belgian time) on the following day (+30 days). Datasets older than 3 years are deleted from the archives.
At go-live on 4 April 2022, the data available will be the data from 4 April 2019 to 3 April 2022. On 5 April, the data available will be the data from 5 April 2019 to 4 April 2022.