Daily extract of improved data

For all filings improved on working day D, the following dataset is produced daily and will be made available on D+1 of the improvement date:

  • The references of the improved filings
    List of all references for filings improved on working day D.

    When more than one type of improvement has been performed on a filing, the filing will appear more than once in the reference list of improved filings. The reference indicates the type of improvement (PDF_ENCODED, EURO_CONVERTED, CORRECTED). Through combining the reference and type of improvement, users can obtain the specific version of the data (JSON document).
    The National Bank first corrects items relating to the annual accounts (AA) and possibly later items relating to the social balance sheet (SB).
    When the type of improvement is "CORRECTED", the reference indicates the data to which the correction applies for IMPROVED_DATA (AA, SB).
    If both the AA and SB are corrected on the same working day, only one line is made available (AA+SB).[A1] 

  • The JSON documents belonging to filings
    ZIP files of all JSON documents in the filings improved on working day D.

When the type of improvement is "PDF_ENCODED", the JSON file contains the description of the legal entity, the accounting data, data relating to (share)holdings from the original PDF.
When the type is "EURO_CONVERTED", the JSON file contains the description of the legal entity and the accounting data converted into euros.
When the type is "CORRECTED", the JSON file contains the description of the legal entity and the accounting data.
Both the corrected columns and those for which no correction has been made are available. The corrected columns are limited to the section of the report (AA or SB) specified in the "IMPROVED_DATA" parameter of the reference

A specific file is created for each dataset. The files are not cumulative; each day a new file is created.

This product supports the following operations:

  • Retrieval of all references of filings improved on a specified date
    This operation returns a list of all references corrected on the specified date. The result is a JSON file containing a list of references. The date is a mandatory parameter.
  • Retrieval of all structured data in JSON format from filings corrected on a specific date
    This operation returns all data files structured in JSON format containing the description of the legal entity, accounting data, and the data on (share)holdings extracted (only for PDF_ENCODED) from filings published on the specified date. The result is a ZIP file containing all the JSON files.

Datasets (reference list and XBRL, PDF and JSON ZIP files) from improved filings are available online for 30 days and then archived for 3 years.