New statistics on securities issues and holdings
From now on, the European Central Bank will be publishing new statistics on issues and holdings of securities. The National Bank of Belgium is involved in this new project alongside the other central banks of the European System of Central Banks.
It will now be possible to consult a whole range of extra information on the ECB’s website. For instance, the new CSEC series (securities issues statistics) can be accessed under the Data Warehouse heading.
These series mark the first product to provide a fully harmonised and transparent approach to statistics compilation as well as a quality control process and a common production platform for all 27 central banks in the European System of Central Banks.
In this same section, wide access to SHSS (Securities Holdings Statistics by Sector) statistical data previously considered to be confidential will from now on be permitted.
The ECB’s website internet will also give access to fact sheets with explanations about the methodology used for these series, as well as their links with other existing statistics. Fully revised compilation manuals for the CSEC series can also be consulted.
It is worth noting that all information on statistics are included and updated on the ECB webpage dedicated to securities Financial markets and interest rates.