Council of Regency
The Council of Regency discusses general questions relating to the National Bank and the economic situation.
The Council of Regency exchanges views on general issues relating to the Bank, monetary policy and the economic situation of the country and the European Union, supervisory policy with regard to each of the sectors subject to the Bank's supervision, Belgian, European and international developments in the field of supervision, as well as, in general, any development concerning the financial system subject to the Bank's supervision; without however having any competence to intervene at operational level or take note of individual dossiers.
It approves the expenditure budget of the Bank, as well as the annual accounts and the Corporate Report on the National Bank’s operations. It lays down the accounting rules for all aspects of the annual accounts which are not covered by the provisions of the National Bank’s Organic Law and are not mandatory for the compilation of the consolidated balance sheet of the Eurosystem.
It amends the Statutes of the National Bank in order to bring them into line with the Organic Law and the international obligations which are binding on Belgium.
On a proposal from the Board of Directors, it lays down the internal regulations, containing the basic rules for the operation of the Bank’s organs and the organisation of its departments, services and outside offices, and the code of conduct which must be respected by the members of the Board of Directors and the staff.
The Council of Regency fixes the salaries and pensions of the members of the Board of Directors.
The Council of Regency is composed of the governor, the directors and fourteen regents. It includes an equal number of French- and Dutch-speaking regents. The representative of the Minister of Finance attends, ex officio, in an advisory capacity, the meetings of the Council of Regency.
At least one third of the members of the Council of Regency are of a different gender than the other members. The Chair of the Council of Regency comes from a different linguistic group than the Governor and is of a different gender than the Governor.
The regents are elected by the general meeting for a renewable term of three years.
- Two regents are chosen on the proposal of the most representative labour organisations,
- Three regents are chosen on the proposal of the most representative organisations from industry and commerce, from agriculture and from small and medium-sized enterprises and traders,
- Nine regents are chosen on the proposal of the Minister of Finance.
Regents may not be members of the administrative, management or supervisory bodies of an institution subject to the supervision of the Bank, nor may they perform management duties in such an institution.
Advisory committees
Audit Committee
In carrying out its tasks in the field of financial information (annual accounts, Annual Report, accounting rules) and regarding the budget, the Council of Regency is assisted by the Audit Committee.
The Audit Committee’s rules of operation are set out in the Audit Committee rules of prodecure.
- Griet Smaers, chairperson
- Marc Bourgeois
- Helga Coppen
- Filip Van de Velde, in an advisory capacity
Remuneration and Appointments Committee
In carrying out its tasks in the field of remuneration and appointments, the Council of Regency is assisted by the Remuneration and Appointments Committee.
The Remuneration and Appointments Committee Regulations govern the functioning of the said Committee.
- Claire Tillekaerts, chairperson
- Pieter Timmermans
- Géraldine Van der Stichele
- Filip Van de Velde, in an advisory capacity
- Pierre Wunsch, in an advisory capacity